Here are some unusual or unexpected pictures of the beautiful city of St Petersburg, away from clichés, away from the tourists.
Sunbathing in Saint Petersburg along the NevaPensioners sitting quietly on benches enjoying the last moment of the Indian summerGraffiti on a red brick wallAutumn in St. Petersburg, it's beautifulA small guard house in a park in St. PetersburgPublic lighting on Nevsky ProspektThe Sedov an old Russian rig docks on the Neva in St. PetersburgThe banks of the Neva occupied by the site hutsA St. Petersburg at a market in St. PetersburgRooftop view of St. PetersburgGlobes of street lighting in St. PetersburgA status on a building facade in St. PetersburgEnd of day on the city of St. Petersburg
The route of the castles of the LoireThe route of the castles of the Loire, one of the most beautiful roads of FranceLochesThe tower Saint-Antoine in Lochespause for the night at the Chapelle Blanche Saint MartinThe campaign awakening in Loire ValleyMy treasureM…Read More
Seashores in Loire AtlantiqueLow tide in the cloudsBeachfront PhotosLa Baule in summerAn old sailing ship in the distanceThe bay of PouliguenWaves come to die on the shorePhotographic stroll in the small coves of the wild coastView from the beach of Poul…Read More
During a trip to GhentGhent, one of the most beautiful cities of BelgiumOur neighboring country, Belgium, is full of many discrete and bucolic towns. This time, it's the discovery of Ghent that we started. Bruges has for now our favorite…Read More
Photos of Ghent in Black and WhiteThe cobblestone streets of GhentGhent black and whiteSome time ago I did an article on the city of Bruges. Me forward a little I said that Bruges was the prettiest city in Belgium. An avid reader had pointed out to …Read More
Bordeaux autopsy of a cityA reflecting pool just in front of the Place de la BourseSitting comfortably on the banks of the Garonne, one of the largest river in France. The city of Bordeaux boasts a relaxing atmosphere and so nice.The old town was…Read More
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