Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Formidable, visiting a nuclear submarine launcher of machines

Visit of a nuclear submarine ballistic missile

The torpedo room at the front of the submarine Redoutable
The torpedo room at the front of the submarine Redoutable
The world of underwater attracts you?
This is great largest submarine open to the public is in the Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg. 
Allée du President Menut, 50100 Cherbourg.
This is a ballistic missile submarine. 
It measures 128 meters long, it was nevertheless dismantled and denuclearized. The Dread now runs happy days in Cherbourg.
It all starts with the General de Gaulle in the 60s, the president understands that in case of nuclear attacks in France would be unable to respond, nuclear weapons must be outside the national territory and ideally in a secret location.
This is when the submarine solution launcher of nuclear devices is necessary of itself.
Work began in November 1964, the date of the submarine launch will take place 29 March 1967 in Cherbourg!
After many developed, it will be accepted for active service on 1 December 1971.
At this point it is equipped with 16 ballistic missiles M1E. 
These nuclear bombs of 450 kilo-tonnes that may be sent to 2000 km.
In 1974 Formidable is equipped with M2 and M20 missiles finally, 1 megaton nuclear power per head and 3000 km range.
Formidable in the profession nuclear submarine
Formidable in the profession nuclear submarine
Here was the nuclear reactor of the Redoutable
Here was the nuclear reactor of the Redoutable
A propeller extraordinary to power a nuclear submarine
A propeller extraordinary to power a nuclear submarine
A long cigar of deterrence steel
A long cigar of deterrence steel
Travel in the Formidable's engine room, a nuclear submarine, cornerstone of French deterrence:
Odds and ends in the engine room
Odds and ends in the engine room
Control panels aboard Formidable
Control panels aboard Formidable
Engine room aboard Formidable
Engine room aboard Formidable
Dédalle corridors in the engine room
Dédalle corridors in the engine room
Living cell on board the submarine
6 berths cabin aboard Formidable
6 berths cabin aboard Formidable
Certainly berths are cramped aboard Formidable. 
But this is the first time that we abandon the system of "hot bunk." 
Here every sailor to a berth that is personal to him. 
Previously aboard submarines 
the us wanted three submariners share the same bunk. (0:00 to 8:00 and finally then 8h00-16h 4:00 p.m. to 0:00)
There are even phone on board the submarine
The command room aboard the Redoutable
The command post aboard Formidable
The command post aboard Formidable
The living room of the captain
The living room of the captain
Photos: Overnight stopover - Yann 
Acknowledgements: Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg

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