Saturday, January 2, 2016

Journey to the heart of the Russian soul

Trips to Russia I made ​​a few, these trips I only have a few photographs. 
I tried to capture the emotions, the Russian vastness, joys sometimes sentences, but despite all the difficulties the Russian always keep the hope of better days. This is what I believe is called resilience ...
In the streets of Moscow
In the streets of Moscow
Sometimes the bus is the only way to reach the most remote villages
Sometimes the bus is the only way to reach the most remote villages
Until the rain stops we wait
Until the rain stops patient is safe
A miraculous catch
A miraculous fishing on a lake in Russia
Waiting for the bus somewhere in Russia
Waiting for the bus somewhere in Russia
The people outside the Moscow metro
The people outside the Moscow metro
An impressive choice of drink at a kiosk in Russia
An impressive choice of drink at a kiosk in Russia, to drown his sorrow or anguish?
a peaceful childhood in a house in the Russian countryside
a peaceful childhood in a house in the Russian countryside
Two Russian players during the rehearsal
Two Russian players during the dress rehearsal of a play
A young actress during a rehearsal of a play
A young actress during a rehearsal of a play
a photographer friend whose father produced the first photographs of the Chernobyl tragedy
a photographer friend whose father produced the first photographs of the Chernobyl tragedy, he paid with his life ...
Today everything is permitted, must never take life too seriously
Today everything is permitted, must never take life too seriously
The Scream
The Scream
A man leaves the confident currency exchange
A man comes out of the exchange office pretty confident
Sunbathing along the Neva, it's not because it's cold we can not enjoy the sun!
Sunbathing along the Neva, it's not because it's cold we can not enjoy the sun!
Portrait of a Russian girl along the Neva
Portrait of a Russian girl along the Neva in St. Petersburg
Photo Credit: Yann VE - Night Escale

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