Saturday, January 2, 2016

Megaliths: the time of Dolmens

In the footsteps of Dolmens of Kerbourg
Kerbourg the Dolmen from the inside
Kerbourg the Dolmen from the inside
... Megaliths The megaliths are standing stones towards the sky. 
One thing is sure, these stones were erected by man undoubtedly. 
These clusters of stones are not a coincidence.
The Stone Age dates back to 5000 years BC ... And nobody is really sure.
Among the megaliths have account alignments, menhirs, barrows, cairns, stone circles and dolmens.
Let's look more closely at the dolmens ...
A Dolmen, exceptional testimony to a lost civilization
A Dolmen, exceptional testimony to a lost civilization
One of the departments that lends itself best to visit the dolmens in peace is the Loire-Atlantique. 
It is found elsewhere on this Celtic land of numerous dolmens between Pontchâteau, Guérande and Saint-Lyphard.
The dolmens are actually tombs formed of horizontal stones that are supported by other vertical stone.
The dolmens are kind of collective graves. composed of one or more cells.
The dolmen is usually covered with small stones forming a mound. Nevertheless with time the stones are gone and there are only huge blocks that nobody has been able or willing to destroy. 
The stones that formed the Mound for their part, were used as building materials.
The Dolmens of Kerbourg
The Dolmen Kerbourg
The Dolmen Kerbourg
Seen from afar a dolmen seems primitive and crude. When you approach it and you look at the points of support stones placed horizontally, it becomes very surprised and amazed.
A huge granite block of a dolmen is based only on 3 points of support
A huge granite block of a dolmen is based only on 3 points of support
When one approaches closer one is then seized by the force that emerges from this architectural ensemble, the stones seem to float on air.
The Dolmen Kerbourg in Loire Atlantique
The Dolmen Kerbourg in Loire Atlantique
Under the Dolmen Kerbourg
Under the Dolmen Kerbourg
An incredible ingenuity of the stone seems to float above the dolmen
An incredible ingenuity of the stone seems to float above the dolmen
Imposing Dolmen Kerbourg
Imposing Dolmen Kerbourg

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